Type of pet
Miss Muppet has been in our family since she was 8 weeks old. She is now 6 years old and has matured into a super chill, obedient, and fun little dog. Miss Muppet is a Border Terrier with a laid back (lazy) sweet and loving nature. She has an impressive bag of tricks up her sleeve. She can jump through hoops, weave, roll over ,play dead, high five and much more ( all on the condition that high quality treats are rewarded for her efforts – she’s no fool! ). Her favorite pass times include going to the beach, playing with other dogs, lying in the sun, having cuddles and eating treats. Muppet was attacked by another dog years ago and since then she has become reactive with other small dogs. She is better with male dogs but can be unpredictable with smaller bitches. She has had some work done with a professional dog trainer and we are continuing working with her to resolve this. Muppet is best off lead but situations that cause her anxiety include small dogs on leads, crowded high density or busy situations and specifically getting caught up around peoples feet where she then becomes aggressive. We need her carers to be great at reading situations and anticipating situations that may cause her to react and to avoid these by removing her from the situation before it escalates. This includes avoiding any small dogs on leads and people standing around with lots of small dogs. She will try to dominate a small dog and pin it down to ascertain her dominance – this can be scary and cause other pet owners to be frightened, which is obviously not a good thing. We currently don’t think Miss Muppet is suitable for first time dog carers.
She dislikes wearing costumes, having a bath and being left alone for too long .