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Miss Phoebe

Type of pet



Hope 7020, New Zealand

Miss Phoebe is a beautiful English Pointer and the easiest of the five dogs I have ever owned. She has the sweetest nature and, despite loving her exercise, is also, like most English Pointers, a couch potato who is happy lounging about in comfort. She is very much an inside dog and lives with two felines, one who is her good friend and the other she is scared of. She only ever barks if someone she doesn’t know comes to the door and greets everyone with a waggly tail and a smile.

I would love to find someone who can take her out for walks from April as I need a new hip and can barely walk until that is fixed.

She thoroughly enjoys going places. We regularly go to Rough Island or the beach. She is very happy in the car. About an hour is a good exercise length for her and she is always off lead. She might go off a bit on her own but never far away and is wonderful at coming back and checking on you. She is in great health with just a slight stiffness in one of her hindquarters.

When she meets other dogs she is usually the submissive one. She doesn’t like dogs sniffing her bottom or jumping at her and will do a low growl to warn them off but has never been actively aggressive. If she sees a scary-looking dog coming her way she will either stand close to me or go off in another direction until they have passed.

She has never been kennelled or crated as that has never been necessary. If I have ever been away, a friend has stayed to look after her and the felines. She is very well-loved by many friends. She quickly gets to trust people who are kind and loving to her but would be a little bit anxious for a few times when left with someone in a home she hasn’t been in before. She is completely house-trained and lets you know if she needs to go outside for a pee.

Miss Phoebe has always been wonderful around children and often has lovely interactions with them when she is out and about and always turns to check with me that it is okay for her to be close to them. Because she is so precious to me I am super careful about keeping small children who don’t know how to be respectful to dogs away from her and manage any interactions she has. I have not ticked the “good with children” option only because I don’t want her ever to be in a position where she is with very young children who are unsupervised.

The only negative I can think of is that, like all English Pointers she produces  “pointer glitter”. For a dog with not much of a coat it is remarkable how It can gravitate elsewhere:-)


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